No.188 02.25.2011
It will be 15 years anniversary of Pokemon on
February 27th 2011!
Time flies. 15 years already.
Thanks to everybody.
Because of all of your support!
Tokyo Marathon will be held on the same day as if
celebrating this Pokemon anniversary.
At Pokemon Center Yokohama, there will be an event
called “Pokemon Stage in Landmark Plaza 2011″ will be held.
Not only that!!!
There will be a live piano play in every 15 minutes
before the bingo event.
(From 11:15, from 12:45, from 14:15 and from 15:45)
Must be there!!
This is the first live performance of
Pocket Monsters Black and White!
I’m planning to be there around noon of 27th!!
I’m very excited!!
Everyone, please visit and enjoy!
No.187 02.24.2011
In April issue of “Nintendo Dream (released on this Feb. 21st)” magazine,
there’s an article of our interview.
In the article of “Battle Dojo Returns,” we Game Freak
and the staff of Nintendo Dream had a Pokemon battle!!
How’s the conclusion!?
Also, there’s an article of our graphic designer talking about
Pokemon and characters!!
And about bridges. I’ve talked about bridges deeply.
Why the bridge designed in certain shape?
Is there any certain model? Etc… etc…
It might be little strange for game magazine!
Tons of contents!
Please purchase!!
See ya!
*”Nintendo Dream” magazine is only available in Japan.
No.186 02.17.2011
Today is the final day at San Francisco.
I’ve finished about 12 interviews
while I’m staying at US. It took two days.
It was rough…
Some interviewers speak to me in Japanese,
and they love Japan very much.
It was very nice atmosphere.
Above all, every interviewer were excited about March 6th!
March 4th in Europe, March 6th in North America.
It is getting exciting!!
I’m heading back to Japan.
At the retail shop “Game Stop,” there are huge poster and huge demo package,
white and black balloons were decorated!
…. Zekrom is in my back. It’s hiding ; )
When it comes to San Francisco, it’s trolley. It’s spinning on the turntable.
View from my hotel room. It’s always clouded except the first day. And it’s cold outside!
No.185 02.14.2011
This is Masuda reporting from San Francisco.
It took 11 hours from London. It was quite far.
I’ll have an interview for two days regarding Pokemon
Black and White version here in San Francisco!
And before that, I enjoy my stay in San Francisco.
Alcatrazz island in the myst.
Me and sea lions!!
Take a look!!!
Passing through the Golden Gate Bridge! Last time I visited was for Pokemon
Platinum version two years ago. Huge! Cool!
And… I visited Pokemon Black and White version tour!
Location is San Jose.
Finally at last, my dream…
comes to the real thing! I’m riding on it!!!
I love trucks, so I showed them in Pokemon Black and White version.
Another dream comes to reality! Look at my smile!
Just superb!!
Pokemon goods were selling at the shopping mall!
Demo version can be played and animation, movies, stamp rally
was held! It was just exciting!
Zekrom and Reshiram. It’s big enough so people can ride on it!
These two trucks are heading to the next destination with
fully stuffed items and goods!!
Keep it up! Drivers!!
No.184 02.10.2011
Finally on this March 4th, in Europe!
And on March 6th, in North America!
Finally at last, the game will be launched!
Pokemon Black and White will make remarkable
evolution by this launch.
The player all over the world can exchange
their Pokemon.
And especially this time, European and
North American version will be launching
around same time.
For Pokemon, this is remarkable achievement
for the first time!
I’m having interviews for above reason in London.
Yesterday, I had eight interviews.
I’ll have interview about same number today.
It’s tough, but I’ll do my best!
I’m happy if this game spread joy to all
over the world and connected to the world!
See ya.