No.207 08.26.2011
At last!!!
My facebook’s “Like” icon added on my columns!!
In honor of above, here’s a little trivia
between Pokémon Black and white!!
From my game developing notes.
==Starts here==
C5 (*1)
White version is exportation.
Selling season’s vegetables at market.
To make the market’s counter changeable
there are four maps.
(Express the seasons by vegetable color)
There are people who says “Since this is export city,
there are city who receives our shipment.”(Same in Black and White)
※Express seasons by color of vegetables.
Spring: Rape blossoms, Asparagus
Summer: Egg plants, Zucchinis, Tomatoes
Autumn: Chestnuts, Pumpkins
Winter: Celery, Oranges, Brussels sprouts
Black version is importation.
Selling any seasons vegetable with cheap price at the market.
(Everything, anytime)
Various colored vegetables are selling at market. Mixed colors. One map.
There are people who says “Since we have various imported stuffs,
there should be a quite seasons at exported city exist.”(Same in Black and White)
C6 (*2)
People give life to the nature. Some Pokémon eats crops.
(People forgive their act.)
There are cycles of Winter(soil), Spring(sprout)
Summer(flower), Autumn(crops).
Four maps are used based on the change of
field seasons.
In Black version, there are lines of hothouse.
Seasons, temperature and nutrition are under control.
System of vegetable management.
People can’t enter because of having bacteria.
One map.
==Ends here==
(*1)C5 : Drift City
(*2)C6 : Mistral City
※Since this is not a final feature, it might have
different parts from actual product.
Adding idea one by one.
Adding idea based on flash idea
will deepen the meaning strong.
There are many delicate parts,
such as maps.
This is very important work.
Oh, everybody might forgetting something.
You can click “Like” anytime you want!
No.206 08.23.2011
Charging energy at San Diego,
the next day of arriving Japan.
Tokyo is hot!
Humidity is just enormous!
It’s like tropical jungle!
Such day…
at this location!
Yes, it’s Tokyo Tower!!
Here at Tokyo Tower,
Pokémon Card game’s summer carnival is
currently taking place.
It will be held till Sunday August 28th.
Opening everyday!
You thought I visit for above event?
Nope, there’s another purpose.
Recording of TV program “Pokémon Smash”!
Its usually many people in the waiting room,
however, this time it is private room.
Waiting for the actual shooting with Mr. Morimoto.
Make up is done and snacks are ready,
it’s just perfect.
But I feel awkward.=)
And… I forgot to ask the day of on air.
Everyone, please watch “Pokémon Smash” every week!
*TV program “Pokémon Smash” is aired only in Japan.
No.205 08.23.2011
Here’s the info of World Championships 2011!
Opening ceremony was held on 13th.
Rehearsal was already started from 7 o’clock
in the morning.
Everybody aims for the top!
Card game battle starts!
Video game battle starts!
During the battle, I was hectic for rehearsal,
signing autographs and awarding
I don’t have my picture=)
And closing.
Get off from the platform and
taking pictures! Pictures!
Thank you very much for coming.
Congratulations to World Champ!
Everybody did a great battle.
Congratulations to second place winner!
You did your best!!
I really want thank to all of you!!
This year’s San Diego was terrific!
It was just exciting.
I always think watching these kind of events.
It is hard to image player’s faces when developing
video games in the company.
It’s like an artist who create contents on internet and CDs,
but not having exhibition or live tours.
It is not satisfactorily.
Can’t see customer’s faces. Hard to image
what kind of contents they react.
Some artist doesn’t mind about this,
however it is like a restaurant just
cooking what chef wants to cook.
It’s just self satisfactorily.
This won’t contentment many
I received a lot of energy from
the players with this kind of event.
Imaging the future.
Enormous feeling of creation rises
more and more.
Refreshing the mind thinking above,
nightfalls of San Diego covered us.
Next day, it’s free time!
At first, we visited Midway museum.
Actual aircraft carrier turned into
museum! Surprising idea…
I can listen to Japanese guide audio
by using this headset.
The door’s gimmick is brilliant.
It seems like no enemy can’t allowed to enter??
My favorite food, crabs! Crabs for lunch!
This Joe’s crab house has nice crabs!
And visiting Sea World, as always.
Killer Whale is huge!! Take a look of the size
comparing human, it’s big.
“Shamu” is the nickname of these killer whales.
Everybody calls “Shamu”!
And surprisingly,
we went to see the ball game!!
Padres VS Mets at Petco Park Stadium!!
It’s a game of San Diego VS New York!!
Since we are at San Diego,
we are side of Padres!
The seat was on the third-base side(Mets side),
so we moved right away!
Watching game from outfield of first-base stands!!
Go Padres!!
There is lawn ground and huge screen locates
far from the ground!
It’s quite comfortable.
The game is getting excited.
First, Mets got 3 runs, but later
Padres rollback and score turned
into 4 VS 4.
At the end, Padres lost with
extra innings.
Oh… Padres…
It was very fun than I expected.
Unique points are… no net!
Ball is coming right at you.
(Will it be self-responsibility if injured?)
Foul ball is given to the audience.
There’s no cheering music but
crowd of audience.
Massive crowd and great waves!
There is a lot of places required
to visit to understand.
I enjoyed excellent World Championships and San Diego
then returned to Japan!
Please do challenge next year’s WCS!
Here is the sight of WCS2011.
A lot of photos from WCS. MTM and signing
autographs are taken.
A lot of videos from WCS. Kick off video is
also available!
No.204 08.22.2011
Arrived at San Diego’s hotel safely!
There’s thunder at Narita airport and the plane announced
its delay. I was enjoying taking photo of thunder.
It’s like music game to taking the opportunity of
shooting photos.
Considering the last flash and its sound,
I could take the photo nicely! Here!
Plane delayed about an hour and arrived
at Los Angeles.
I also waited at the immigration more than
an hour…
And there is a traffic jam from Los Angeles to San Diego…
The picture above is opposite lane.
Take a wild guess how many lane there is!?=)
All those lanes are jammed…
Three hours delay from the initial schedule.
The trip started from thunder, and it was quite
a long ride.
At the hotel, preparation is ready.
You can find the size of the hotel if you check
Zekrom far away. There’s two people standing
in front of Zekrom.
Checking rehearsal and finishing meal, back to hotel
and sneak into the convention center…
World Championships will start on 13th at
San Diego time.
There’s a “Welcome” signs in many different
It looks very nice.
Its so dark outside… it’s midnight.
Here’s the report from Masuda
at the bay front.
Good night!!
No.203 08.12.2011
This is Masuda at Narita airport.
Departing to San Diego.
How would this year’s world championships
will be?
Since Japan had the earthquake,
number of attendant is small.
But this time, South Korea will attend this
championships for the first time.
I’m looking forward to see their match.
This is the first time of world battle
championship based on Pokémon Black/White.
Which country and person will be the champ?
And what kind of Pokémon and their move
will be most useful?
I’m looking forward to see it. Getting excited!
I’m taking off!
No.202 08.09.2011
Have you seen “Battle Gene M”?
Those who do not understand,
is not watching Pokémon Smash!!
Please watch it every week!
On July 31st, MTM with Battle Woman M
had a appearance in Pokémon Smash!
I composed Cynthia’s battle theme, and
Mr. Miyazaki of movie music made
an arrangement.
Then Mr. Toda put lyric on it.
Battle Woman M is singing this groovy
Misaki Momose’s change is great, too!
It is interesting to transform the
music into various kind.
And it will spread the possibilities.
Isn’t it sound cool?
I want people to sing who likes
Cynthia’s theme music.
If you haven’t see this video clip,
you must see it!!
Battle Gene M, MTM with Battle Woman M
※Blog from Creatures.
Pokémon Smash!
Pokémon Smash! Preview
Misakky’s blog.
See ya!
*TV program “Pokémon Smash!” can be seen only in Japan.
No.201 08.09.2011
200th anniversary part 2!
I would like to disclose the story of
Castelia City’s pier!
Small secret will be revealed. =)
Here is my development material
from Pokémon Black/White.
==Starting from here.==
●C3(*1)‘s port is shaped like hand.
Open hand is the image of C3.
・Since it is pier, it is floating on the sea.
・Surface is thin concrete.
・Low fence is placed other than platform.
・There are chairs, too.
・There is a mooring mast.
To park the ship, ship’s rope will be hooked to mooring mast.
*In the game, ship’s rope is not necessary(won’t be shown).
●Each fingers
・Most thick finger of all.
・In western culture, folding other four fingers and up represent
affirmation (good) and down represent death (denial).
○OPV(Offshore Patrol Vessel) parks on odd number days.
Sail on even number days(not present).
(2)Index finger
○Cabin cruiser(dinner cruise ship). Sail from evening only(to see sunset).
→Large cruiser.
→To show, departing on the evening and sunset can be seen
on the half way, and returning on night to see night view.
(3)Middle Finger
・It is insulting act to stand this finger and rest of fingers fold.
○Team Plasma’s secret ship sails.
Only sails on the day of prime numbers.
→Ship will be parked on non prime number days.
No hints. Objective of this ship is unknown.
(4)Ring finger
・In Japan, it is called “medicine finger,” since this
finger is used for applying medicine.
○Shuttle cruiser to UT island.
(5)Little finger
・Smallest finger.
・In Japan, this finger is considered as royalty.
There is action called “Yubikiri(cutting finger)”
as a meaning of promise(honesty).
○Distribution island ship.
●Ship A (large ship<2000 to 3000t class>). 1 kind.
・Cabin cruiser(theme color white)
Luxurious cruiser.
Point! When this ship parked at the pier of C3, the giant scale of
its size can be seen.
●Ship B(small ship<1000t class>). 4 kinds.
(Same model but different colors)
・Guard ship(theme color white and red)
・Team Plasma’s secret ship(black)
・UT ship(blue)
・Distribution ship(yellow)
Point! Leading edge cool ship. Small but fast. Few windows.
You can tell it’s a ship from its silhouette.
==Ends here.==
This is about it.
*1・・・C3 is code name of Castelia City.
※Since this is not the final feature, its might be different
from actual game.
Its require a lot of research to create one particular area.
・Research what the pier is.
・Research the meaning of finger.
・Research the ship based on the search result.
・Research the ship.
・Research how to park the ship.
・Research the meaning of parking.
Then, gather up the whole information.
Each and individual fact is gathered
with the meaning.
Those facts will have persuasion and strongness.
Of course it is important for creators to use their
feelings and sense, and it need the knowledge
to exercise more.
Please find the questionable part and research,
as if you are actually creating the game.
It will be fun!
No.200 08.08.2011
Hooray! It’s a 200th anniversary!
Thank you very much for your support!
My columns have reached 200 times.
With this 200th anniversary, this site have drastically renewaled!!
Thank you, Maimai!
And thank you for checking the contents, Satochin!
Also thank you for the translation with delicate nuance, Hiro!
And hello to mademoiselle Shiho!
Since it’s 200th anniversary,
here is undisclosed trivia of Black and White!!
It’s really small trivia though. =)
That is…
the sound effect of scrolling conversation.
I believe player listen to this sound effect most
while playing.
When there’s this sound effect,
people find out somebody’s playing Pokémon.
I made this sound effect with extra caution
in Red/Green.
This sound effect was heritage to Ruby/Sapphire,
Diamond/Pearl with minor changed sound…
In current Black/White, I would like to make it
to brand new sound.
Therefor, I carried out original intention of
Red/Green’s sound effects.
Yes, I used this Red/Green’s “Piding!” sound made
into sampling data. Then tune up a few times
and made it to the most beautiful tune.
Probably, I listen to this sound effect most in my life.=)
Therefore, I have strong effusive to this
sound effect.
Would you listen to this sound effect?
Isn’t it sound cool?