No.159 01.29.2010
New and original series of “Pocket Monsters”
is currently under the development
for 2010 launch!
Today, its finally announced!!
Of course, Game Freak is developing the game.
Our development team is currently
working on revolutionary
new “Pocket Monsters” to
overwhelm the past series!
As it announced, “Pocket Monsters
Diamond/Pearl” sold over 17.15 million
copies all over the world.
(Sold 5.8 million copies in Japan)
(Population of Tokyo is about 13 million people)
We are developing the game to
overwhelm previous Diamond/Pearl!
We are expecting your support!
Please count on us!
Also, there will be a special appearance of
myself in “Pokemon Sunday” on
Sunday February 7th.
Please watch. You’ll get some information!!
*(TV program “Pokemon Sunday” is
only aired in Japan.)
No.158 01.13.2010
I write this column in the train
on the way to the office using cellular phone.
There are many people doing many
activities in the train.
For examples…
-reading bookツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 4 persons
-reading newspaperツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 1 person
-reading comic magazineツ? 1 person
-sleepingツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 2 persons
-using cellular phoneツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 3 persons
-playing gameツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 1 person
-watching train adツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 1 person
-talkingツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 5 persons
-just sittingツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ?ツ? 1 person
just like above.
Everybody spend their own time in the train.
I think activities in the train differ depend on
time, train and country.
But one thing is in common.
Every passenger synchronizes based on the
movement of the train.
When there are many people
crossing their legs,
and watching its movement…
It is quite interesting.
What are you doing while riding in
the train?
See ya!
No.157 01.12.2010
Today is my birthday!
And I would like to talk about
what kind of timing does an idea comes up.
“Hello, Idea”
This is a TV commercial of Frisk.
Have you seen it?
It’s very fine commercial and
I love it very much.
When you need ideas, where is the place
you get ideas?
Mine is…
In the train… 30%
In the bath tub… 25%
Meeting room… 15%
In the bed… 10%
While e-mailing… 9%
While walking… 5%
While net surfing… 3%
On the plane… 2%
In the bath roomツ… 1%
At the air port… 0%
Surprisingly enough, some ideas come up
while we’re having a meeting.
Since creation is our trade,
this kind of scene can be seen in Game Freak.
N.156 01.07.2010
Sudden question.
Are you stimulated by anything lately?
I recently watched my favorite director Roland Emmerich’s
“2012″ and 3D movie “UP” and got excited.
Both movie were stunning.
“2012″ is just great.
It’s like riding on a roller coaster every moment!
Image of building and people running around are
worth to watch!
The idea of destroying cities and buildings are superb!
Viva Emmerich!
The city of America is terminated and
even White House is gone.
I wonder audience are ok with this.
As a Japanese, famous location destroyed
is one thing, but destroying whole city
is another.
Expression of destruction might
be little more gentle.
3D movies became popular these days.
I found out recent 3D is bit different from the past.
There are another screens not in front of the
movie screen but to the rear.
The screen won’t pop out.
Current 3D system selected ease to human eyes
than the actual 3D effects. What a judge!
From old times, “Jaws 3-D”, “Fujitsu Pavilion”, “CM of Mets”
“Universal Studios T2″ I love 3D.
(I used to have many 3D glasses!)
I love 3D, but old system is different from nowadays.
Old times 3D was actually popped out. This surprised me a lot.
“UP”, as a movie.
it is well made for not using any word
til his wife passed away.
I’m very impressed.
There are quite emotions and
tears gushed from my eyes.
But latter half of the movie was…
I wonder what age of the audience
are the creators made the movie targeted to??
Since I love Pixar,
I’m counting on a next movie.
While watching the movies,
there many question attract my attention.
-Why they put the certain scene?
-Why that cut is needed?
-Why the certain music is used?
-Why they did the certain judge?
The director have to select one idea from many.
Must choose only one idea to
make content better.
Watching the movie is very inspiring to refine
my sensibilities on daily basis.
It might be stimulating to change
the view when you watch the movie.
I’m gonna see “AVATAR” next!
No.155 01.06.2010
Happy new year!
We ask for your continued good
will in this new year.
In 2010, I would like to challenge
new things and work even harder to
create video games with even more
care and affection.
I ensure Game Freak is the group of
professionals which always aiming the
high target.
And chasing dreams and hopes.
We will keep it up, so please count on us.
Game Freak will do the best on year 2010!