No.224 03.08.2012
All seven autograph sessions have finished!!!
Thank you very much for coming!
Here You can take a look at the pictures.
Some are a bit blury, but I decided to upload them all!
At first, let’s look back.
As I wrote on 219 column, people were asking for autograph session a lot via Twitter.
Pokémon company also was happy to do it.
Signing autograph took place at seven Pokémon Centers around Japan.
There were posters made too!! I was surprised : )
This is, how it was!!
First I took the bullet train (N700 type) and went to Osaka.
Here’s Pokémon Center in Osaka!
Still calm before the storm.
Secret autograph session spot at Osaka’s Pokémon Center.
There are Pokémons lined up on the wall of a corridor!
Here is the autograph place!!
It’s like the hall of the fame in the game!!!
So cool!!
This location will be used for a battle tournament
in the future!
I was talking to all fans one by one and signed the autographs!
Sunday February 5th 13:00 at Pokémon Center Osaka!
It is Q&A corner. Peace sign with everybody!!
Team Osaka!
Big thanks to all Osaka fans!!!
Next… Nagoya.
On Sunday February 5th 16:00 at Pokémon’s Center in Nagoya!!
After the signing and Q&A session, another peace sign photo!!
Team Nagoya!
There were so many people who came!
Thank you very much Nagoya fans!!!
On Saturday February 18th at Pokémon Center Tokyo!!
After the Q&A, we took peace sign photo together
Team Tokyo!
I’m glad to see the cusion of Stunfisk
Thank you very much for all the questions, team Tokyo!!!
Here are all fans who got the autographs and
member of the Game Freak on the left : )
Say cheese!! Team Tokyo!
Congratulations to all fans who received an autographs!
Thank you very much for coming!!!
Then to Yokohama by car.
Same day, at 16:00. Pokémon Center Yokohama!!
Peace sign at the Union Room!!
Team Yokohama!!
Thank you very much for all the questions, fans from Yokohama!!!
Then, autograph session!!
The line was very long and I felt sorry for the fans who had to waitnoutside the Union Room!!
Peace!! Autograph session Team Yokohama!!
Thank you very much fans from Yokohama!!!
On Saturday February 25th, at Pokémon Center Fukuoka!!!
Cute welcoming reception!!
*It says “Welcome to Pokémon Center Fukuoka”
It has been almost outside!! Pretty cold!!!
The picture was taken after the Q&A corner. Peace sign!!
Thank you very much for coming on that cold day!!!
Team Fukuoka!!
Thank you very much for the questions!!!
And taking photo of everybody after the autograph session!!
Peace!! Team Fukuoka!!
It was really cold…
Fans of Fukuoka, thank you for coming!!!
Let’s sneak inside the Fukuoka Pokémon Center!
Yamagasa decorations at night.
*”Yamagasa” is a festival which takes place in Fukuoka.
Next morning, I saw many food stands : D
On Sunday February 26th,
“Pocket Monsters Black2″
“Pocket Monsters White2″
was announced at the TV program “Pokémon Smash”!
*”Pokémon Smash” is aired only in Japan.
“Black Kyurem” and “White Kyurem” was announced
while I stayed at a hotel in Kyushu!
I made a mistake of writing “Rejiram.”
True spelling is “Reshiram.” (Sorry everyone)
Heading back to Tokyo.
On Sunday February 26th, 23:59.
Very nice suggestion to countdown via Twitter!
Monday February 27th 0:00.
“Happy 16th Anniversary!”
It was all over the Twitter!
Pokémon become 16th years old.
Thank you very much for your support.
I deeply appreciate your support!
Thank you very much!
Saturday March, 3rd!
I watched “Hayabusa” at Tokyo station. Very exciting!!
Arrived at Sendai!
S.. snow!! It was very cold!
At Tohoku Pokémon Center.
Welcomed by
Victini with Heal Bell!
Pikachu with Effort Ribbon!
Snivy with Focus Band!
So nice!!
Question corner started from 11:00 on the ground floor of Tohoku Pokémon Center !
After all the questions were answered , Say cheese, everyone!
Team Tohoku!!
Thank you very much for asking all the questions, Tohoku fans!
And autograph session took place on the 2nd floor of
the building.
Team Tohoku, peace !!
Thank you very much for coming to the autograph session!!!
Quick look into Tohoku Pokémon Center .
Traveling by airplane.
From Sendai airport to Shinchitose airport.
Heading to Sapporo.
And from the airport in Sendai straight to Sapporo.
It was snowing when I arrived at night!!!
Black part is not rock. It’s solid ice. Guardrail made by ice!
Next day. Sunday March 4th. The last autograph session.
The view from hotel was just fantastic.
Skyscrapers and mountains!
Pokémon Center Sapporo!!
Q&A session starts!!
The room was divided into three areas.
Inside of the Union Room, rear of the Union Room and
area of the side monitor.
Peace sign, team Sapporo!!
Side monitor area, peace!
Rear of the Union Room, peace!!!
Thank you very much for the questions.
And this was the last autograph session!!
Thank you very much fans fans from Sapporo!!
Lots of handshakes ! It was really nice!!
I sneaked into Sapporo Pokémon Center for the first time.
From Sapporo to Shinchitose airport.
I found Pokémon Jet at the airport!!
She sure saying “I did a pretty good job” = )
And autograph sessions ended.
I’m so happy, I could meet all of you.
I was delighted and moved.
Thank you very much for coming all the way.
And of course, thank you very much for coming
so early in the morning.
And I am so sorry that I coundn’t meet all fans.
Especially fans in Tokyo and Yokohama.
If you find me in somewhere, please say “Hi!”
Because of your constant support,
Pokémon could make it till its 16th anniversary.
Its been great to develope Pokemon all together.
The power you gave me will be used for
to make Pokémon evn better.
Thank you, thank you very much!!!!
And to the last(the message to fellows),
Thank you very much for your management effort.
Also I would like to thank to all stuff of Pokémon Centers.
Because of your support, Pokémon have grown
this big .
I had a wonderful time.
Please continue to grow Pokémon.
I deeply appreciate your support.
Thank you very much!
No.223 03.01.2012
The movie of this year looks pretty good!!
It’s Pokémon 15th anniversary movie!
“Kyurem vs. The Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo”
Addition to above movie, there’s one more short film.
“Meloetta’s Sparkling Recital”
there will be double feature!
It’s been a while since Pokémon movie
had double featured. Good old days!
New Pokémon Keldeo and Meloetta will
have their first appearance in above movies.
What kind of Pokemon??
How they act?
What will the story be?
The movie starts from Saturday July 14th!
I’m looking forward to see these movies!!
Please count on it!!!
Pokémon official site:
Movie trailers:
“Kyurem vs. the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo”
“Meloetta’s Sparkling Recital”
*Above Pokémon movies will be released only in Japan.
No.222 03.01.2012
Hello there!
What was an announcement I talked
about in previous 221st directors column??
That is…
Brand new softwares presented by
“Pocket Monsters Black 2″
“Pocket Monsters White 2″
will be launching on June in Japan!!
There are two Pokémon which
appears in this game.
Their names are…
“Black Kyurem” and,
“White Kyurem”
It seems above two Pokémon are related with
Zekrom and Reshiram…
If you want to see their appearance,
check this official page!!
Stay tuned!
Please wait for more new information!!